6th Week at Job I have started to learn Node.js

Ubaidullah Rao
6 min readMar 21, 2021


it’s been six week we started Jadu program and learning new some new emerging technologies like React, React Native, Node.js

One of the most important technology which I have learned so far

This is a emerging technology Name is Node.js so now I am tell you why we use Node.js ?how to install it ? why everyone use Node.js ?

Node.js is actually not a framework or a library, but a runtime environment, based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine.

The technology was first introduced back in 2009 by Ryan Dahl at the annual European JSConf and was immediately recognized as “the most exciting single piece of software in the current JavaScript universe”.

Being the most popular programming language, JavaScript is also one of the most universal software development technologies. Traditionally used as a web frontend development tool, it has also become a major cross-platform mobile development tool as a basic technology for a large number of platforms, such as Apache Cordova/PhoneGap, React Native, NativeScript, Appcelerator Titanium.

But the areas of application for JavaScript do not end here. Lately, there has been a lot of buzz around the use of JavaScript for server-side programming. One of the tools that indicated this shift in web development was Node.js.

Node.js downloads. Install Long-Term Support and the latest versions of Node.js for Windows and MacOS here. Also, a reminder — npm is distributed with Node.js out-of-the-box.

Once it’s installed you can cross check it using:

Node -v (for checking version)

open your terminal on VS code working file. To run the JS script there

Type: Node filename.js

Documentation. Find the docs and getting started guides at the link.

Node.js IDEs . Almost any popular code editor has support and plugins for JavaScript and Node.js, so it only matters how you customize your IDE to your coding needs. But, many developers highly praise special tools from VS Code, Brackets, Atom, and WebStorm.

The main idea of Node.js: use non-blocking, event-driven I/O to remain lightweight and efficient in the face of data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

What does it mean from the practical point of view? The possibility to use JavaScript for writing both the frontend and the backend lies at the core of multiple Node.js advantages

Before I start listing the advantages of Node.js, I need to explain something. There is some terminology to clarify for all of us to be on the same page. If you are aware of these concepts, feel free to scroll them past down.

Google’s V8 engine is the engine that Node.js is implemented with. Initially, it was developed by Google and for Google. V8 was written in C++ and aimed to compile JS functions into machine code. The same engine is used by Google Chrome. It is known for impressively high speeds and constantly improved performance.

Event-based model stands for the process of detecting events as soon as they take place and dealing with them respectively. You can use Promises, Async/Await and callbacks for handling events. For example, this snippet presents handling the writing of csv files using the Promise event model

Non-blocking Input/ Output request handling is the way Node.js processes requests. Usually, code is executed sequentially. A request cannot be processed until the previous one is finished. In the non-blocking model, requests do not have to wait in a line. This way, the single threading in Node.js is the most effective, the request processing is concurring, and the response time is short.

npm is a Node.js package manager and an open marketplace for various JS tools. It is the largest software registry in the world. Currently, it features over 836,000 libraries.

So, why Node.js development? Let’s see what the benefits of Node.js are.


Node.js is JavaScript-based. JavaScript is one of the most popular and simplest coding languages in the IT world. It is easy to learn for beginning developers. Even people without the knowledge of JavaScript but with some basic technical background can read and understand the code.

More than that, the pool of JavaScript talents is large, so as a business owner, you have full freedom to choose the team to work with.


Node.js applications are easily scalable both horizontally and vertically. Horizontally, new nodes are easily added to the existing system. Vertically, additional resources can be easily added to the existing nodes.

When developing an application with Node.js, you do not have to create a large monolithic core. Instead, you can develop a set of modules and microservices, each running in its own process. All these small services communicate with lightweight mechanisms and comprise your application. Adding an extra microservice is as simple as it can get. This way, the development process becomes much more flexible.


Among other advantages of Node.js, there is the opportunity to integrate it with a variety of useful tools. Node.js can be easily customized and extended.

It can be extended with built-in APIs for the development of HTTP or DNS servers. To facilitate front-end development with old versions of Node or browser, Node.js can be integrated with a JS compiler Babel.

For unit-testing, it works perfectly with, for example, Jasmine. For deployment monitoring and troubleshooting purposes, it works well with Log.io.

Such tools as Migrat, PM2, and Webpack can be used for data migration, process management, and module bundling respectively. In addition, Node.js is expanded with such frameworks as Express, Hapi, Meteor, Koa, Fastify, Nest, Restify and plenty of others.


Node.js is open-source. The creator has granted everyone a right to learn, develop, and distribute the technology for any purpose. The Node.js environment is one hundred percent free. Ready-made modules, libs, and code samples are open-sourced, so you can configure your application easily and for free. The ability to learn to work with Node.js as also available to everyone willing to acquire this technology.


There are a lot of convenient repositories with various ready-made modules. The default package manager npm also offers a variety of additional libraries and tools. These significantly facilitate the development process.

Also, Node.js technology can be used to develop both front-end and back-end with the same language. You can work with the same team until the final product is implemented. It simplifies communication and spares you plenty of organizational tasks.

You can even use Node.js as a platform for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence training. Universality

Node.js is cross-platform. For instance, a Node.js developer can create a cross-platform desktop application for Windows, Linux, and Mac. What is more, Node.js is not only for mobile, desktop, and web development. The advantages of Node.js are actively applied in the development of cloud or IoT solutions.


Node.js has a low entry threshold. It is quite simple to acquire for the people with knowledge of JavaScript. It is also necessary to point out that the low entry threshold directly translates in an overly large number of low-quality specialists.


Node.js grants the opportunity to automate repetitive operations, schedule actions, or share modification records. Node.js automatically groups functions and keeps your code in order. Furthermore, there is an extensive built-in library of UI templates or ready-to-go functionality.

High Performance, Speed, and Resource-Efficiency

In Node.js, the JavaScript code is interpreted with the help of Google’s V8 JS engine. Google invests heavily in its engine, so the performance is constantly improved.

Node.js executes code outside a web browser, which greatly improves the performance and resource-efficiency of an application. Also, it allows using features that are not available for the browser, such as a direct file system API, TCP sockets etc.

The code execution is speedy and several requests can be processed simultaneously since Node.js runtime environment supports the non-blocking event-driven input/output operations. Node.js also offers the feature of single module caching, which allows the application to load faster and be more responsive.

Community Support

Among the advantages of using Node.js, developers mention the global developer community. There is an immense number of active developers who contribute to open-source, develop and support the framework, and share their learning insights or coding experience with others.

Node.js is well-supported on GitHub, and it is more popular there than, for example, React. Moreover, such companies as IBM, PayPal, eBay, Microsoft, Netflix, Yahoo!, LinkedIn, or NASA support and actively use Node.js.

So Node.js have also large community support I hope after read this blog you will learn Node.js

I would love if you will give feedback me and follow me…….



Ubaidullah Rao

Full Stack Web Developer Tech Enthusiast | Speaker| Writer| DSC Lead | Community Builder| AWS Enthusiast |Find me @ubaidullahrao2