4th Week at Jadu-How I became the first DSC Lead From My Campus

Ubaidullah Rao
7 min readMar 11, 2021


Welcome Everyone I am Rao Ubaidullah I am A DSC Lead at my Campus

In this blog I’ll tell you How to become a DSC Lead for Campus

and What is DSC ?How it’s Work ?What’s Purpose of DSC ?

Who created DSC Club? ? these are all question that students ask me during the events time so I’ll tell you whole Story of DSC

DSC stand for Developer Student Clubs

What is Developer Student Clubs?

Developer Student Club (DSC) is a Google Developers program for university students. It is a Google community which is designed to help students build their mobile and web development skills and knowledge. It is led by the DSC Leads who are chosen by Google itself. This community is also intended to be a space for students to learn and collaborate as they solve real-world problems.
Up until last year, DSC was only limited to a handful of countries in Asia. This year for the first time, Google opened its DSC applications to all the young developers residing in Pakistan. Thus, presenting them with a great opportunity to become a part of Google’s ecosystem.

This day can not get any better. I have been selected for the role of Lead at Developer Student Club. I can now create a developer community in my university which will be directly affiliated with Google. Isn’t it awesome!? 🥂

My experience with the GDSC

  • I used to attend the sessions taken by another GDSC(link) from with some of my friends and from there I got the idea to start GDSC on our own campus.
  • But I didn’t know what to do? How to start our own GDSC? But I really liked the environment, the enthusiasm the core team of GDSC DSC SAU had at that time.
  • And thankful, to my rescue Hira Abid Khan, GDSC Lead at DSC MUET at that time created a group and helped all the students who wanted to start their own GDSC.
  • Then came the application process and this is how I approached it
  • First, I updated my GitHub and Linkedin profile with the latest things I was doing at that time.
  • As I never knew the importance of the online presence I started LinkedIn more than Instagram and I was really scared about the technical profile I also started to solve coding questions.
  • Then, one of the important things Google asks from you guys is the video and at that time we had to record it for 1 min. I took reference from here I am not sharing mine as the camera quality was not very good.
  • In the video, you have to tell them why you are the best fit to be a GDSC Lead in very minimal time. So, do that well and pour your heart out and be honest!
  • Then! Then! Then! I received this mail

Now you are a Lead of Developer Student Clubs

  • Now, as I was selected for the second round which is the interview round I was very happy and very scared too because I didn’t want to miss this opportunity.
  • So, as a normal human being, I prepared a lottttt. I imagined my interview, questions my interviewer may ask, and then wrote down the answers for them beforehand.
  • Also, did a mock interview with my friend to check am I able to do it properly, or rather I can say if my preparation was enough.
  • Then came the interview day(date) and this how it went:
  • I still remember my interview was taken by Pradipta Sharma I joined 5 minutes early but he was present before me and my confidence went downhill because “ideally” I should have joined before him.
  • Anyway, so my interview went really well for about 20 minutes in which mostly he asked me about:

My management experience

My technical knowledge

Questions about the area of interest which I mentioned in my profile

He asked me to show him one of my projects which I have mentioned in the profile/application form.

Scenario-based questions

  • At the end of the interview as he asked if I have any questions for him, I asked this:

How should I react when my team members make mistakes?

Tips you would like to give if I get selected as a GDSC Lead.


Being the DSC Lead of Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam Information Technology, I will be creating and then leading the Developer Student Club for the year 2020 to 2021. For making this community a success, I will be organizing workshops, teaching web and app development, enabling more students to become trainers and supporting them in conducting sessions. I will also make sure that any student who has a passion for becoming a developer can join this community despite his discipline.

These are some of my many responsibilities as a Lead. Because of DSC, I am hopeful that this year turns out to be a great experience not just for me but for you too. So, let’s see what this journey take us.

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Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Our zero tolerance policy means that we will look into and review every allegation of violation of our Event Community Guidelines and Anti-Harassment Policy and respond appropriately. To report any behavior that makes you or others feel uncomfortable, visit your event’s website to file a report to your event’s organizers.

This policy extends to talks, forums, workshops, codelabs, social media, all attendees, partners, sponsors, volunteers, staff, etc. You catch our drift. Google reserves the right to refuse admittance to, or remove any person from, any Google hosted event (including future Google events) at any time in its sole discretion. This includes, but is not limited to, attendees behaving in a disorderly manner or failing to comply with this policy, and the terms and conditions herein. If a participant engages in harassing or uncomfortable behavior, the conference organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning or expelling the offender from the conference with no refund or blocking the offender’s account from participating online.

Assuming that you already know the benefits of joining a Google community, I will not go into details here. I will just highlight that by becoming a part of this incredible community, you will have the opportunity to

Grow your knowledge of developer technologies through peer to peer workshops and events.
Gain relevant industry experience by solving problems for local organizations with technology-based solutions
Showcase your prototypes and solutions to your local community and industry leader.
Use Google resources in order to create something which will make an impact on our society.
🙌 Wrapping up, I would like to thank my dear Mentor Jawwad Ahmed Arain for helping me achieve this milestone. If it weren’t for them, I would probably never have carved my name in the first batch of DSC Student Leads from Pakistan. They have helped me during my DSC application more times than I can count. They are amazing developers and I am very lucky to have such supporting individuals in my life.



Ubaidullah Rao

Full Stack Web Developer Tech Enthusiast | Speaker| Writer| DSC Lead | Community Builder| AWS Enthusiast |Find me @ubaidullahrao2